Home Forums Game Integration Integrating Eye Tracking into Horror Games

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    Hi there and yep, it’s my second topic within a few minutes.

    This time I need some inspiration as a developer.
    Actually I am studying the Games Master at HAW Hamburg and we have to develop a game over three semesters.
    My group wants to develop a Horror Game and since I started to be interested in eye tracking I would love to integrate it for easier interactions and special situations.
    Well the problem is no one of my group members is used to this new technology and in their opinion there are not enough people who would benefit from eye tracking interaction (having the chance to try something new and different is no argument to them…).
    At least they gave me a chance to think of cool ways to integrate an eye tracker.
    Now I would love the community here to join the brain storming.
    I already thought of situations where you have to close your eyes and many strange sounds then come closer but you are not allowed to open them, or you’ll die.
    Keeping eye contact to something would also be a nice challenge.

    So if you have any nice ideas to make a horror game much more scary and interesting to play with eye tracking, please let me know!

    Sincerely yours

    Alex [Tobii]


    Could you please contact me on skype: alex-bezugly


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