Home Forums Legacy SDKs Multiple Trackers: EyeTrackerException

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    I’m using the Gaze SDK and have mutliple Rex connected to my laptop as USB-HID.
    Everything works fine at the first startup but afterwards I randomly (at the 2nd or 3rd attempt) get the following Exception when calling tracker.Connect():

    An unhandled exception of type 'Tobii.Gaze.Core.EyeTrackerException' occurred in Tobii.Gaze.Core.Net.dll
    Additional information: Connection to eye tracker failed. (error code EndpointConnectFailed).

    Looks like some resource is still blocked, maybe?


    Hi Cassio,
    yes, the USB driver has a hard time with client applications that just disappear. You should make sure to disconnect cleanly from the trackers when your application exits to avoid this problem.

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