Home Forums Software Development PcEyeGo firmware 1.1.5 update that supports eyex sdk

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  • #2260
    Gal Sont

    Any updates regarding the PcEyeGo firmware 1.1.5 update?
    It’s nowhere to be found..!?
    the Update Notifier doesn’t update and the Gaze Interaction Settings firmware update button is grayed out and disabled.
    Can you please provide a direct link for the update ?
    Thank you .

    Gaze Interaction Software:
    Gaze Interaction Settings:
    Operating System version: Windows 8 X64, 6.2.9200
    Eye tracker serial number: PCEGO-010103938874
    Eye tracker firmware version:


    Hi Gal,
    this is the answer I got from the Tobii Dynavox support:

    The current firmware version for the PCEye Go is 1.2.2. It is available through Tobii Gaze Interaction software (TGIS). What you need to do is to download the latest TGIS 2.6.2 from our support pages and install it. TGIS will then prompt you to upgrade the firmware once you open it. To do that, click on the system menu in TGIS and click on Upgrade next to the firmware.

    Since you are already have the latest TGIS installed and you don’t get the prompt to upgrade firmware and the button is greyed out, that should mean you already have the firmware 1.2.2 on your PCEye Go. Should you experience problems with your PCEye Go please contact Tobii Dynavox support.

    Gal Sont

    Thank you.
    So the question is why the eyex software doesn’t recognize it?… It should be supported from 1.1.5
    It works fine with REX and eyex.

    Eyex version

    Robert [Tobii]


    Sorry to hear about the problem. The moderators at this forum do not have access to any PCEye Go to test with right now. Please contact Tobii Dynavox support.

    Gal Sont

    Thank you. Will they help me with the eyex software or send me back to you guys? 😉

    Robert [Tobii]

    I expect that once you have the updated firmware, the EyeX software will just work. Otherwise, product related support issues with the EyeX software should go to http://www.tobii.com/eyex-support

    Gal Sont

    I have 1.2.2 installed. EyeX doesn’t recognize the PCEYEGO yet… I’ll contact eyex support as you suggested.
    Thank you.

    Joel [Tobii]

    Hi Gal,

    Did you have any success in getting it to work?
    The fact that your first post shows an empty spaaaaaace where you’d expect to see the firmware version makes me think that there might be a problem with your setup.

    If it’s still not working or showing the version, you could start by opening “regedit.exe” (Windows Registry editor) and looking for the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation". Under that key there should be a value called "EyeTrackerModel". Since you have a PCEye Go, that value should be set to "PCEye2".

    Without this value, Gaze Interaction Settings won’t recognize your eye tracker model properly, and would most likely not be able to read your current firmware version or offer an upgraded version.

    Another possibility is that for some reason Bonjour is not installed/running on your computer. It’s a tool for zero-configuration networking, which is used for certain parts of communicating with the eye tracker, like firmware tasks.

    Both the registry key and the Bonjour service should have been installed by the software suite that came with your PCEye Go (Installation & Configuration Guide).

    Best regards,
    – Joel

    Gal Sont

    Yes! the registry key was missing. Once I added it I could update the firmware and immediately everything started to work!
    Thank you!

    Joel [Tobii]

    It’s odd that the key was missing, but I’m happy it works for you now 🙂

    Gal Sont

    I have reports from others that can’t make it work together. I’ll let our users the option to add the key by pressing a button on our application. Hope this will solve the problem for them as well.
    Thank you.

    Joel [Tobii]

    This is just a simple fix for this particular symptom, as I mentioned in my first post it’s odd that the key is missing in the first place and could have been caused by another issue. It should not be seen as a universal fix-it-all 🙂

    Remember that the PCEye Go as a product includes support from Tobii Dynavox support, who will gladly help you or anyone else having problems getting the latest firmware.

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