Home Forums Unreal Engine 4 SDK Procedurally generated characters.

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  • #13912

    Basically I want to make a nemesis system very similar to shadow of war.

    In shadow of war orcs and ologs come in all different shapes backgrounds and sizes. They have several different factors that can be interchanged producing completely unique characters with an unreal amount of depth.

    I have a lose idea of what needs to happen but not sure where to start. In fact I don’t have the slightest clue

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @quinncade, thanks for your query. I am afraid that your query it quite outside the scope of this forum which is intended for technical issue and questions related to the Tobii tech range of eye trackers and associated SDK’s.

    For your question, I would recommend you post on a dedicated Game Developer Forum such as those found @ https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/4vmxdc/a_list_of_other_game_dev_communities/

    and perhaps one of the more advanced users there can assist. Thanks for your understanding and good luck with your future project.

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