Hello, I am trying to get pupil diameter info from Pico Neo 2 eye using Pvr_UnitySDKAPI.System.UPvr_getEyeTrackingData. However, leftEyePupilDilation and rightEyePupilDilation in eye data struct contains only 0 values even after eye calibration. Does Pico Neo 2 eye provide Pupil Dilation data? If so, how can I get the correct data? I am using PicoVR Unity SDK version 2.8.6.
Hi @kibumkim, and thanks for your query. I am afraid that the PicoVR Unity SDK (not produced by Tobii) does not provide the pupil size although we are aware of the presence of a dummy variable within their SDK that does not become populated. It may worth posting on their own forum to address this issue for future releases.