Home Forums Software Development Recording the eye tracking data using Eye-tracker 5

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  • #21162
    Mezanur Rehman

    I am a new student working on eye tracker 5. I want to record eye-tracking data. I don’t know how to record it. I saw some posts that Tobii pro software SDK provides built-in functions but I don’t have it as it is quite expensive. Eye-tracking data is a basic need for my work. Can you please help me with how I can get record the eye-tracking data using Eye tracker 5? Are there any alternate options?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @mezan00880, I am afraid that the recording of eye-tracking data is not explicitly forbidden in the end-user licence agreement that comes with the eye tracker 5 unless purchased with an appropriate licence to do so.

    you can read more about this online and request a quote @ https://developer.tobii.com/license-agreement/

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