Home Forums Software Development Removing the need for Tobii EyeX installer

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  • #3447
    Andrew Walker


    I switched from EyeX C/C++ SDK to Gaze C/C++ SDK to remove the need for installing ‘Tobii EyeX Installer Bundle 1.5.3 (with EyeX Engine 1.5.0)‘.

    The problem I have is when I build and run any of the samples in the Gaze
    SDK (without any changes), if ‘Tobii EyeX ControllerCore.exe’ (which belongs to the ‘EyeX installer’) is not
    running in the background, the program says that it could not find any eye

    Probably I am doing something wrong. I would be grateful for your help.


    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Andrew,

    The Tobii EyeX Controller Core is needed by the Tobii Gaze SDK to be able to communicate with the EyeX Controller eye tracker device. It is part of the EyeX Installer Bundle because it is part of the installation of the EyeX Controller eye tracker itself.

    Could you explain a little further why you want to remove the need for installing the Tobii EyeX Installer Bundle? There will be no end user using an EyeX eye tracker that will not have installed this, since it is the way to install the eye tracker itself.

    Andrew Walker

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for your reply.

    The main reason for this is we want both the installation and execution of our app to the end user appear as one rather than a separated Lumen program and a Tobii program.

    Based on your explanations now I understand that we have to install the drivers and have the Tobii EyeX Controller Core running in the background. I tried to only run *controller core.exe file but it does not start independently and I could not figure out how to launch it.

    Is it possible that we only have the drivers+*controller core.exe fiels in our installer package without the need for the rest of the EyeX bundle?

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Andrew,

    My spontaneous answer is that it will not be possible since we want our end consumers to be able to use their EyeX Controller with more than just one application, and we want them to have all the benefits of a centralized handling of the user calibration profile and screen setup (for example not having to re-calibrate for every app they are using).

    But if you think you have a good business case here you could try contacting someone from our partnership program and see what they have to say: http://www.tobii.com/en/eye-experience/support/contact/isv-contact-form/

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