Home Forums Feature Requests Request for Java

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    I am an interaction designer and media artist who uses Java and Processing for rapid testing and iteration. My C++-fu is weak.

    I’m excited to begin playing.

    Robert [Tobii]

    Thank you for your feature request. I agree, an EyeX Java binding and Processing plugin would be really useful. We have done Java bindings for other API:s and have a guy at Tobii who has built eye-tracking plugins for Processing before, so technically it is definitely possible. It is just a matter of prioritization, so if there is much more demand for it we will push it upwards in the roadmap. Stay tuned!


    Add another vote for Java. In the meantime, perhaps Java developers could access the C API via JNA.

    Marc H.

    I preordered two EYEX dev kits and would also welcome a native JAVA API a lot. I never liked C/C++ much and just grew up with JAVA, so that would be the best news possible on this. Thank you


    I would definitely like to see a plugin for EyeX with Processing.


    A java plugin is a great advantage to order a tobii (Rex) device!


    Hello Team Tobii,, I want to work with processing on eye tracking type of stuff using tobii … is their any library they have opencv,, can that library can be work with the Tobbi ir do that have some sort of libraries so in the Processing IDE if I would like to work on Tobii ????

    waiting for reply.


    Waiting …..

    Robert [Tobii]

    Here’s an update from Tobii. We want to make a Java binding, but right now we have many other cool things in the pipeline and have not been able to prioritize Java support for a while. If you want to start working with Java we recommend to use JNI or Swig to create your own binding towards the C API. If one of you has already created a Java binding or Processing plugin, you are very welcome to share it with the rest of the community.


    I’d also like to have a Java API, or at least an OpenFrameworks plugin. I’d prefer Java though. I’ve never created a JNI binding to a C API, but maybe I’ll try it whet my unit arrives.

    Marc H.

    Still nothing new on this? I have my dev kit since a few weeks not and cant really do anything with it. I counted on that there would be a Java API/SDK too.


    Hi Marc,
    it’s clear that we will have to do something about that Java support 😉

    But, like Robert wrote, there are many things in the works. So please bear with us.

    K. Schmidt


    FYI: As recommended before, it is possible to bind the native methods to java using JNI.

    I successfully implemented an interface for using the eyetrackers coordinates. Maybe I can share the code, but I have to check if I am allowed to first (copyright). Perhaps for now a short guide is of interest:

    1) Create a java class with the native methods: One for each coordinate (=4) and one to start the tracking and if needed, one to stop it.
    2) Generate the header file (e.g. using javah)
    3) Create your c/c++ – code:
    For me, the MinimalTracker sample was helpful. To start and stop the tracking, the main()-method provides all needed information. Note that xsleep will not work in jvm. The coordinates can be passed to the JNIExport-Methods.
    4) Build it as .dll
    5) include the .dll and the TobiiGazeCore__.dll in your java project.


    Laser Erich

    my tobii eyex controller arrived yesterday. i’m also struggling to implement it in openframeworks or processing. does anyone have a solution for openframeworks? – think its easier to build a bridge because it’s c++

    Gerrit Nautz

    I would like to see Java as well.


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