Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Sampling rate and spatial accuracy


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  • #2439
    Maxim Trank

    I have not found any information about this vital characteristics, and differences between Tobii Rex and EyeX on this subject. Am I just looking in the wrong direction, or are you purposely hiding this crucial information from customers?


    Hi Maxim,
    you’re right that the information is missing on the dev zone. It’s not because we want to hide it from our customers, rather it’s because a) we don’t have the numbers ourselves yet: the algorithms are still being improved, and b) we don’t know yet exactly what the “vital characteristics” should be for an eye tracker designed for human-computer interaction. (As opposed to an eye tracker designed for analytical use cases.) But let me assure you that it’s being worked on and I hope to be able to post an update soon.

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