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  • #20592

    I have purchased Tobii eye tracker 4C. It work smoothly but cannot analyze where I am looking at.
    I noticed a software called “tobii pro SDK” could do the task. However, I don’t know where or how I could have an access to it. Could you please help me purchase or install it?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @lucylu and thanks for getting in touch. If your intention is to develop software for interactive or gaming applications, then for your eye tracke model, we would recommend you check out the Tobii Interaction Library API or the Tobii Stream Engine which you can download at the following locations:


    Stream Engine

    Therein, there are several sample applications that can help you get up and running quickly.
    Please bear in mind however, that using the 4C tracker for analysis or research purposes is expressly prohibited by the end user licence agreement.

    Do let us know if you have any further questions. Best Wishes.

    dragon zhang

    I have similar question.

    Can I use tobii pro sdk for tobii eyetracker 5?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi, no I’m afraid that the Tobii Pro SDK is only available for Tobii Pro Eye Trackers, apologies for any inconvenience. Best Wishes.

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