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    Deleted calibration settings from the registry and now its working again

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @sylow, @coldza. If your devices have completely stopped working you should get in touch directly with the support department who can determine the appropriate course of action such as a replacement should it be deemed necessary.

    I know it’s a pain but did you attempt a fresh installation of windows? You can create a new partition and install there without losing any of course existing settings.

    A guide is produced here @ http://www.howtogeek.com/214477/how-to-dual-boot-two-or-more-versions-of-windows/

    Michael Lehner

    It seems to me like we’re talking of two different problems here by now.

    1. COLD_ZA seems to have a problem with the device starting or being recognized, which required to delete the calibration settings from the registry to fix things.

    2. I still suffer from the initially described problem that at one of like three or four times of booting my computer, the device is not being recognized. Rebooting another time usually fixes the problem, but nothing short of that can solve the issue now. At the initial posting i described a method to kill the software and restart things, so the device would work without a reboot being needed. That procedure is not working any more, if the device now fails at startup, nothing but a reboot seems to help.

    If i understood that of COLD_ZA wrong and it’s actually the same problem, please correct me.


    My device suffered total failure after re calibrating it. I guess that’s why deleting the registry settings fixed it.

    I am still having the issue of it not starting correctly without restarting the Tobii Service

    I will try the windows partition when I have the time and necessary installation media

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @sylow, thank you for the update and clarifying the situation. I understand you are already in contact with support directly trying to diagnose the issue but as you pointed out, the issue we have is to reproduce the problem ourselves which you mentioned is indeed very sporadic.

    I assume you have already experimed with and without the hub, though I wonder if perhaps you tried disconnecting all other USB devices except the tracker? Might be interesting to see. In addition, did you look through both BIOS and Windows power settings? Please ensure that allowing the port to save power by deactivation is disabled in all cases!

    Any report of similar behaviour with USB devices from your motherboard’s own support channel?

    Michael Lehner

    As already mentioned in the reply mail, i have tried reducing the number of connected USB devices. Cutting it down to only the Tobii device, though, makes little sense. I kind of prefer to still have keyboard and mouse and for the game i play, i need the powered USB hub to power the joystick. (I use a X-56 HOTAS, which is a bit power hungry and is unreliable when being plugged directly to the PC. )

    That being said, just today i had the same effect as described above, with the new version 2.6.0. For a few days i did not see that effect, but by being a sporadic problem which doesn’t always happen, this is no indication of improvement. Fact is, it still happens. 🙁

    Michael Lehner

    PS: as a sidenote, most likely my computer will be without joystick and thus without the HUB for a while. The joystick recently develoed the habit of one button only working when the throttle is pushed forward, which is a sign of cable breakage. I had to learn that Saitek is infamous for this problem, so i guess i have to return it and see when i get the replacement.

    Based on that, i might give feedback on how things turn out the next week or so without hub and joystick.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Thanks @sylow, keep us updated.

    Michael Lehner

    I updated to the new version of the ISE. The current sample size of reboots is too low for a final verdict, but while this weekends update was -only- the ISE and not the EyeTracker software, i didn’t have the problem even once at four system starts, which actually is unexpected.

    Unfortunately the ISE has the return of another issue, but i made a seperate thread for that.

    Michael Lehner

    Update: disregard the previous posting. Today after booting the computer, the problem was there again. Blame me, it’s my fault to think that things might actually get better, won’t happen again.


    I have the same problem here. Never had that before.
    Has probably something to do with the Logitech “Gaming-Software”?
    I’m nut shure about this. But i think it started after i installed the Software for my new X52Pro.
    Even when the X52 is not connected, the Eyetracker does not work.
    I’ve to remove the Eyetrack-App, reinstall und then everthing “starts” to work. But also the Logitech-Software seems to start over (display on my G19 gets black und shows then the normal picture)….

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @mcdrake, I am not sure if your issue are necessarily related to this thread, but you pointed out the problems only started
    once you installed the Logitech software? I assume you tried already uninstalling and rebooting to see the effect?

    It would be good to know if there is indeed an established conflict between this software and Tobii so we can try and reproduce the issue here in house. Many thanks.


    Just an update from my side, my issue was completely resolved with a patch a few patch cycles back (we’re talking like 8 months ago),

    now its reliable as anything, I also have logitech software for my G390 headset and mouse,

    Michael Lehner

    Same here. This problem was fixed about March/April last year. I just didn’t report back into this thread, that it was solved.

    So i guess the new report is a new issue.


    Well… it works after uninstalling of the Gamingsoftware and the G52-Software.

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