Home Forums Software Development TCP/IP events

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  • #21040
    Christian Beaudoin


    I am aware I might not be on the proper forum for this question.

    In the following article:


    It is stated that:

    “[2] – Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and 3 can receive TCP/IP events using their API. The events can be used to timestamp important events during the recording or to synchronize Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and 3 with other data streams.”

    That being said, it is not described anywhere how to perform this tcpp/ip synchronization.

    Which port ? Which information to send in the packets ? What is the protocol ?

    We have the ProGlasses 2 and Prolab.

    Is this feature available in those software ?

    I would need some documentation on this feature ?

    Is it only in the API and not available in Prolab or Proglasses software ?

    Thanks and regards,


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @zoro123, as a Tobii Pro user, you are entitled to premium support as provided with your product.

    Accordingly, please get in touch with the Tobii Pro Support team directly @ https://www.tobiipro.com/contact/support/
    and a representative will contact you shortly thereafter.

    Thank you for your understanding and best wishes.

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