Home Forums Feature Requests Wanted: EyeX "Mouse Warp" integration with PC Gamepad button press

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    In the Tobbi EyeX main menu:

    Under Pointer interaction>>>Mouse Warp>>>On Button Press>>>Mouse Warp Trigger Button: the program reads keyboard and mouse presses for this trigger function but does not read gamepad button presses such as when using the PC compatible “Xbox 360 controller for Windows”.

    Even when using a keyboard and mouse emulator program for the gamepad such as http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com , virtually any video game recognizes the gamepad for programmed mouse and keyboard presses but the Tobbi EyeX program does not (in other words, it overrides or does not read the emulator program).

    Are there any solutions to this problem? I would think that getting EyeX to work with or recognize gamepads for this core feature would be a huge opportunity (and helpful for people like me with physical conditions that prevent long-term usage of the keyboard/mouse for games).

    Thank you for any suggestions you might have. I am not a programmer, so apologies if I have not adequately described the request.

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Kemp,

    Thank you for your feature request and the description of your use case. The functionality you are asking for is already on the backlog, now we have another use case that requires it, which makes it easier to prioritize. We’ll try to remember to update this thread if/when the functionality is implemented and released.

    Happy New Year!


    Hi Robert, Thank you for your response and for addressing my request, I’ll check back in a couple of weeks. Thanks again!


    As eluded to above, and mentioned in other threads. The button assignment in the the EyeX engine is at a pretty low level and cannot be assigned to a joystick using something like auto hotkey. Does anyone know of another external program that does successfully take control of the EyeX assigned buttons.

    Oded Sharon

    has this been implemented? can i use Joystick controller buttons to emulate eyex button press?

    Christopher Lee

    I was able to do something like this a while back using the Iris Project program to mouse warp on keypress, and a gamepad assignment program like xpadder.
    I binded the Iris Project “Mouse Warp” button to a key and binded a gamepad button to that keypress with autofire option.

    Now I can swiftly use the controller to navigate without the slow navigation of an analog stick…


    Hi Chris: Thank you for the helpful program suggestion. I was able to successfully mimic your steps: “I binded the Iris Project “Mouse Warp” button to a key and binded a gamepad button to that keypress with autofire option.”

    Indeed, the Iris program is a great add-on solution and it works as you described, providing multiple opportunities to pair EyeX with a gamepad! Cheers, Kemp

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