Tobii offers three different types of software development licenses.
1 – Getting Started development license
This license is for non commercial use and not for distribution. It’s a limited license that provides development rights with Tobii SDKs and eye tracking related software and APIs. It enables you to freely and quickly get started with your development of eye tracking related applications. The Getting Started development license is free of charge and you accept it by clicking accept when you download the SDK. If you want to commercialize your solution or plan to distribute your solution you need to acquire a Commercial license from Tobii.
Under this license you are not allowed to store or transfer eye tracking data. If you need to store or transfer eye tracking data, you need to acquire a Research or Commercial license.
You have no rights to develop software for medical solutions or medical equipment. For this purpose, you need a Research or Commercial license.
2 – Commercial development license
This license provides right to develop, commercialize and distribute your software using Tobii eye tracking. If you plan to commercialize your eye tracking solution, distribute it or offer it to the market, you need this license.
Under this license we offer the right to store or transfer eye tracking data, provided that you comply with our Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
We also offer a Medical Use license option. As well as additional capabilities, functionalities, support & maintenance and other services.
Please contact us to acquire a commercial development license.
Note! For software that is used for Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) purposes this license type is only offered together with eye trackers designed for the AAC use case such as Tobii Dynavox eye tracker products . The reason for this is that Tobii cares a lot about AAC end users and want eye tracking solutions for this user group to work as intended and where the service and quality level needed for this user group can be guaranteed.
3 – Research development license
This license is for research and exploration use at universities, academic institutions or companies wishing to develop eye tracking applications at low scale and with no intention to commercialize.
Under this license we offer the right to store and/or transfer eye tracking data, provided that you comply with our Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy.
This license type is only available in combination with Tobii Pro eye tracker products. This SDLA type is included for Tobii Pro SDK and Tobii Pro Glasses API.
Note! This license type is not offered for any Tobii consumer eye trackers such as Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, Tobii Eye Tracker 5 or devices with integrated Tobii eye tracking such as PCs.
If you wish to get advice on available eye tracking hardware and software products, SDK and API for research purposes please contact Tobii Pro.