Home Forums Unity SDK Tobii Eye tracker to track Eye and Head position. Reply To: Tobii Eye tracker to track Eye and Head position.


Thank you for your reply. Currently, in the “ChangeColor” script I want to make the highlight condition based on not only the gaze focus but also with the Head focus at the same time.

I tried to make it based on yaw and pitch values but it doesn’t work properly so I want to make it when “the gaze and the head position on the object–> Highlight the object”.

void Update()
yaw = headmovement.yawvalue;///////////
pitch = headmovement.pitchvalue; ////////////

if (_meshRenderer.material.color != _lerpColor)
_meshRenderer.material.color = Color.Lerp(_meshRenderer.material.color, _lerpColor, _fadeSpeed);

// Change the color of the cube

//if (_gazeAwareComponent.HasGazeFocus)
if (_gazeAwareComponent.HasGazeFocus == true && yaw >= -50 && pitch>=-20) ////////


One more thing please, How could I indicate the current head position by a small point like in case of gaze point?