Home Forums Software Development Automatic panning

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  • #3126
    Matt Duffin

    Hi all,

    I’m trying to customise the WPF PannableElements sample such that content can be scrolled by gaze alone – without pressing the EyeX button.

    I tried changing the PannableParams as follows:

    public void AssignBehavior(Interactor interactor)
        var parameters = new PannableParams
            IsHandsFreeEnabled = EyeXBoolean.***True***,
            PanDirectionsAvailable = PanDirectionsAvailable,
            Profile = Profile
        interactor.CreatePannableBehavior(ref parameters);

    But this just resulted in assertions:

    Snapshot validation failed: Unspecified error.
       at EyeXFramework.EyeXHost.OnSnapshotCommitted(AsyncData asyncData) in f:\Downloads\TobiiEyeXSdk-DotNet-1.4.451\source\EyeXFramework\EyeXHost.cs:line 451
       at Tobii.EyeX.Client.Snapshot.<>c__DisplayClass7.<>c__DisplayClass9.<CommitAsync>b__6()
       at Tobii.EyeX.Client.Context.SafeInvokeClientCode(Action clientCode)
       at Tobii.EyeX.Client.Snapshot.<>c__DisplayClass7.<CommitAsync>b__5(IntPtr hAsyncData, IntPtr userParam)

    Is there any easy way to accomplish automatic panning?


    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Matt,

    Hands-free panning is something we are planning to support in the future, but do not support right now. An early implementation was available for a while for evaluation purposes, but currently causes a snapshot validation error from the EyeX Engine when you try to enable it. This is the reason why it is hard-coded to EyeXBoolean.False in the EyeXFramework. There is currently no time-estimate or target EyeX Engine version for the hands-free panning feature.

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