Home Forums Software Development Combining data from different Tobiis

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  • #12410
    Chantal van Dijk

    I hope this is the right forum for my question.

    I’ve designed an eye-tracker experiment using the Tobii pro 120. I would like to run the same experiment on a Tobii T120 as well, so I can test multiple participants at the same time. Do you know whether the output from these two Tobiis are similar and whether I could combine them into one data file for analysis?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @chantalvandijk, The Tobii T120 is part of the Tobii Pro business department.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii Tech Consumer level eye trackers (4C, Eyex, etc) and their associated SDK’s.

    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro Support team directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for an
    answer to your query.

    Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.

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