Home Forums Software Development Eye Position data stream random values

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  • #6771
    Mohammad Nabizadeh

    I have the tobii eye tracking device with Tobii Eye Tracking software 2.8.0 and I am running the sample eye position data stream provided with the SDK v1.8.

    During the stream, every now and then the left and right eye positions are given back as these values (-91.670000, -177.440503, 7.561473). The random occurrences get more frequent when I move my head too close to the edge of the tracking box, and the numbers are always the same as above for both the left and the right eye x,y and z in the 3D coordinate system.(not TBCS)

    I have tried reinstalling the software for the engine and I still see the same problem.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Mohammed @mnabizadeh, the Tobii Tracking software v2.8.0 belong to the Tobii Pro business department.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii EyeX and C4 Eye Tracker and associated SDK’s.

    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro support directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for an answer
    to your query.

    EDIT: [Jenny, 03 May 2017] – The above information is wrong. Tobii Eye Tracking Software v.2.8.0 is the latest software for consumer eye trackers like Tobii Eye Tracker 4C and Tobii EyeX Controller. I will ask someone from the Tobii Interaction Engine team to look at the original question.

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