Home Forums Software Development EyeX SDK for Mac

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    Gabi Zuniga

    Any chance EyeX drivers for Mac are release any time soon?


    I can help with the port!

    I have mad Mac hacking skills.

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Gabi,

    I would love to publish drivers for other platforms, but right now our hardware team is focusing on the Windows driver. We are having some discussions on which platforms to support next, and MacOS is of course one of the hottest candidates.

    Joel: If we decide to outsource/open source the work, we will let you know. It would be great to get help from some mad Mac hackers.


    +1 for this topic! EyeX drivers for Mac would be great!

    Jippe Joosten

    I would love to buy the EyeX, I am a game developer student and love to try new Hardware i use unity on a MacOS i hope the support will be there soon!

    Giorgio Pomettini

    Is there any news for the EyeX Mac support? Thanks!

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Giorgio,
    No news yet, I’m afraid. But every person showing interest in this counts, and increase the likelihood that this will be realized sooner rather than later.


    I am sick to my stomach to find that I cannot use this device on OSX.

    I am weary of watching my life seep away as I am too disabled now to code professionally.

    For a few days I believed I had a solution arriving in the post.

    I have to now look for some ugly hack.

    I hope EyeTribe eat your market share all the way to the bone.



    I am sure you have a good management team and everything, but not supporting Mac in this era is just shameful. You are losing half of the market because of it, and this should be your top priority. Moreover, you are stopping the community in building proper software on top of your device just because of your lack of support


    Agree, Tobii is missing a big part of the market with Mac. Mac has historically been the best OS for accessibility, with greater UX consistency & quality in both OS and apps than Windows – something that the accessibility market feels to a much greater degree than the average user.

    And that’s just the existing accessibility market. These days people who use computers to make a living also tend to choose Mac. RSI is a huge issue for these workers, which affects the bottom line of companies they work for. Pursuing the market of preventative treatment for things like RSI would be a comparatively easy sell, as evidenced by the rapid adoption of ergonomic chairs in the 90s (for history of that market, listen to this: http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/edge-of-your-seat/).

    Mice are horrible for us. Tobii has the technology to offer a better solution, hopefully one day they find the will.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Thank you for your upvotes. We continue to develop our products however for the time being with the focus on gaming interactions, Mac support is not currently high priority.

    peter aberline

    I was dismayed to see that there is no mac driver available for the tobii eye tracker. I am disabled and need this kind of technology to help me use a computer.


    C’mon, Tobii people, give us a Unity for MacOSX SDK. I work in the design research department of a Fortune 500 company. Half of us are on Windows, half on MacOSX (to e.g. develop for iOS, video editing work), so we typically favour solutions which work cross-platform. We just want to be able to handover Unity projects from one platform to another.

    The first post on this subject dates back five years. Surely you can’t be considered a startup with limited resources anymore?

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