Home Forums Legacy SDKs Gaze SDK and EyeX

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  • #3385
    Robert Bixler


    I’m working with the Gaze SDK and the Tobii EyeX. I’m trying to write some code in C# that will run and calibrate the eye tracker. I’m basing my code off of the samples in the Gaze SDK samples folder, notably the wpfCalibrationSample. However, I don’t know how to properly add a reference to the tobiiGazeCore32 DLL. When I try to add it using the add references option in visual studio, I get the following error message: “Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assemply or COM component”.

    I also noticed that the DLL shows up as a file in the same directory as the C# files when viewing the project from the solution explorer for the wpfCalibrationSample. So, one thing I tried was to add the dll to the same folder as my C# files and add it as an existing item. However, I then receive this error when trying to run my code: Unable to load DLL ‘TobiiGazeCore32.dll’: The specified module could not be found.

    I then noticed that there is a blue arrow that is over top of the dll in the wpfCalibrationSample. Does this mean that it was added as a link? I tried removing the dll from the wpfCalibrationSample and re-adding it as a link, but I ran into the same problem.

    Any ideas on how to proceed?

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Robert,

    Yes, you need to add the TobiiGazeCore32.dll as a link since it is a native dll.

    I think what is missing is that it is not copied to the output folder.

    The easiest way to fix this is to change the “Copy to output directory” property to one of the “Copy ..” alternatives, for example “Copy if newer”. You change this in the Properties window for the item.

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