Home Forums Software Development Inconsistency in times of viewing

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  • #3223

    Dear All,

    I write because I’m working on a study of Eye Tracking with the Tobii glasses. We perform recordings and we are now exploiting the results with the Tobii Studio program, but we’re having some problems when it comes to work with them…

    When working with different tools Replay and Area of Interest, the image viewed in the video does not always coincide with the moment indicated in the time bar. It sometimes indicates that there have been certain events (events, AOI, …) at that certain moment, but the “needle” of the timer is a different time than it should. Then, when we see the video again does not match what we have labeled with what is seen in the image. It is as if the video images where running slower than normal speed (without us asking to change speed) but the progress on the temporary rule follow the normal time.

    Does it happened to you before? I really appreciate your knowledge from the experience!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi there,
    the Tobii Glasses as well as Tobii Studio are not supported by us, “Tobii Tech”.
    You will though, get help from “Tobii Pro” which is another part of our company: http://www.tobii.com/sv/eye-tracking-research/global/contact/offices/support-contacts/


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