Home Forums XR Discussions Incorporating Eye Tracking Calibration

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  • #21903
    Masanori Akiyama


    My device is Pico neo 3 pro eye.
    My project(development in Unity) requires Eye Tracking Calibration. Is it possible to incorporate Eye Tracking Calibration into a project under personal development? If possible, please let me know how.

    By the way, I would like to access tobii/Teck Portal(https://techportal.tobii.com/#/). But I cannot log in and create new account. How can I log in?
    thank you.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @achu0810, yes the Tobii Ocumen package does indeed include the feature to integrate calibration directly within a Unity scene. You can read more about Ocumen and request a quote @ https://vr.tobii.com/sdk/solutions/tobii-ocumen/

    Regarding the Tech Portal, this is only used to provide specific client files and licencing data, not a general download portal.

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