Home Forums XR Discussions legacy tobii xr sdk for unity v2.1.1 installation

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  • #20921
    taehyun lee

    Hi, I’d like to use tobii xr sdk on unity 2018.4.36f1.
    How can I import tobii xr sdk for unity v2.1.1?
    In fact, I imported that once, and have a project with running tobii xr sdk.
    But when I tried to create another project,
    Scripting define symbol “TOBIIXR_HTCPROVIDER” not set for HTCProvider.
    error keeps coming out.
    I forgot how I installed it… the first project works fine though.

    I’d really appreciate if I could have some legacy ‘getting started’ doc or something like that..!
    1) I created new project on unity 2018.4
    2) I got steamVR from the asset store
    3) I got SRanipal v1.3.3.0
    4) I imported tobii xr sdk v1.2.2 unitypackage…. but now it won’t work!

    Any help greatly appreciated. thanks.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @thlee, thanks for getting in touch. I am afraid we do not support legacy versions of the XR SDK to public customers so we must therefore officially recommend that you use latest XR SDK Version (V3.0.0) which only works with Unity 2019.4 LTS+

    Apologies for any inconvenience, hopefully you can upgrade your project without too much overhead.

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