Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Live exporting of Eye Gaze points from Tobii X2-60/T60XL

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    I am using Tobii X2-60 & T60XL and using Tobii Studio Pro. I want to export the gaze data points in real time, I don’t think it is possible with Tobii Studio software, but is it possible by using the Tobii Studio SDK or any other Tobii SDK which supports Tobii X2-60 & T60XL

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ayush,

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii EyeX SDK only.

    You should forward any Tobii Pro Analytics SDK issues to the dedicated support contact @


    However, I can tell you that yes the Analytics SDK will indeed allow you to extract the gaze data in real time to your own application.

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