Home Forums Legacy SDKs Quality of Recordings

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  • #1577

    I am working on statistical analysis of the data provided by my Tobii eye tracking recordings. I am trying to find an acceptable recording quality “cut-off” value, but there is nothing standard in the literature. Is there a recommended acceptable quality of recording?

    Alejandro Clemotte

    There is an “Accuracy and precision test method for remote eye trackers”. This paper describes the comprehensive method for gaze accuracy and precision measurements that Tobii has adopted to facilitate performance comparisons of different remote eye tracking systems. This analysis is done offline, after the test.

    The link is http://www.tobii.com/Global/Analysis/Training/Metrics/Tobii_Test_Specifications_Accuracy_and_PrecisionTestMethod_version%202_1_1_.pdf


    Hello, Alejandro!

    I am trying to access this site and is redirecting to: http://www.tobiipro.com/

    Alejandro Clemotte

    Hello Camila, I’m also redirected to the main web. I have googled “Tobii Test Specifications Accuracy and Precision Test Method” and the second result is the link. Maybe you can found also this way. Otherwise I have the .pdf if you want I can send you.

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