Home Forums Unity SDK Scale GazeVisualizer

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    The title pretty much explains it, how can I scale the Gaze Visualizer? The prefab setting is Bubble which makes it huge and when I change it to Default it becomes so small it is almost invisible. Changing the scale of the gameObject does not seem to make any difference.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @joostbos, thanks for your query. I assume you are referring to the gaze overlay feature within the Tobii System Tray Icon? I am afraid we do not expose any further settings for the size of the bubble at this time. The bubble size in fact reflects the area over which the eye gaze can be said to be present, which is a consequence of the eye-tracking algorithm we implement, not an arbitrary variable.

    However, I have passed along your request to the developer for consideration into a future release.
    Apologies for the inconvenience and hope you can work around the situation.


    Hi Grant, thanks for your reply. I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same thing, but I was referring to the GazeVisualizer prefab in de DevTools folder of the Unity SDK package.

    I think I could change the values in the ScaleFactor parameter (0.03 for bubble, 0.003 for default) or add a public scale parameter to the script and mulitply the scale that the script currently calculates with that parameter, but I would rather not modify your scripts.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @joostbos, okay thanks for the clarification. So, to scale the GazeVisualiser in DevTools, you can add a parent GameObject to the Gaze Visualizer object in the XR Dev tools, and then scale that object… does this make sense?

    Please try it out and let us know how you get on.

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