Home Forums Software Development Software to eye gaze analysing as of an Excell document?

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  • #5728

    Hi all,
    I have to analyze some gaze data from an EyeX Tobii device as of an Excell document with 3 columns (GazePosX, GazePosY and Timestamp) and I need a software or function in Matlab for example to calculate fixations, generate heat maps, gaze plots, etc.

    I tried using OGAMA but I have to be able to import video and work on it. I will appreciate if someone knows how to help me.
    Thanks !

    Grant [Tobii]


    Please bear in mind that the use of the Tobii Eyex data for long term storage to study human behaviour is in breach
    of the Tobii EyeX SDK licence agreement.


    As such, we cannot offer official advice on how to proceed with your query.

    If you intend on using your software as an end product, please get in touch with the licensing team as recommended
    in the above link.


    the purpose of my query is using gazedata to complete my final degree project, not to store human behaviour.
    So I think is not in breach of the Tobii SDK licence (correct me if it´s not true).
    I mean i will use my own gaze data.

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