Home Forums Software Development Tobii IS5 and 4L

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    David Dahan

    HI, I recently received from Tobii two evaluation kits one for IS5 & one for 4L.
    1. Does the Tobii 4L is a 4C version for LINUX? where can I find information about it? can you send me the reference for downloading the drivers/Sofware?
    2. I followed the instructions for installing Tobii IS5 Evaluation Kit (https://developer.tobii.com/is5/) everything went good but Tobii “eye tracking software” failed to run. Any ideas/logs that I can share?

    Thank you,


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @dudi, and thanks for your query. The Tobii 4C is indeed built upon the IS4 architecture, so you should be able to use the Tobii Stream Engine API for Linux in conjunction with your device.

    To get started, please checkout the tutorial @ https://developer.tobii.com/consumer-eye-trackers/stream-engine/getting-started/
    which provides the relevant download links. Please note this software is still alpha so very limited support is provided.

    There is also the option to run the Tobii Pro SDK Linux Bindings with your device but this require the purchase of a special licence and unlock file to do so. If you are interested, kindly send a speculative email to [email protected] for a quote.

    With reference to issues running the IS5, please kindly log an incident request with the Tobii Experience Support @ https://help.tobii.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and one of the team there will get back to you promptly. Thanks for your understanding.

    Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

    David Dahan

    Thank you for the replay. I will send the data for the IS5 to your support.
    Can you send me details about Tobii 4L? is it the IS4 in 4C firm factor? if yes, what are the differences between them?
    I tried to run it with 4C drivers and it’s not working.
    can you send me a specification/driver/software of it (4L)?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi David, yes we can confirm that your device is the IS4 form factor and that is should work without issue with the 4C Drivers.
    Also, thanks for confirming privately that reinstallation of the Tobii Software fixed the problem and now the setup is working correctly. Best wishes.

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