Home Forums Software Development Tobii REX EyeXHost.UserProfileName return INVALID

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  • #7714
    João Pedro


    I’m using the Tobii REX camera to develop a Windows Forms App, and I am having trouble using EyeXHost.UserProfileName to retrieve the current user name. In my computer this method always returns INVALID, but in my peers computer it successfully retrieves the user name using the exact same code. The same goes for EyeXHost.UserProfiles, that should return a string list containing all user profiles created. I already created several user profiles, the same as the ones my peer created, but I still can’t get any user profile name.

    This is the code in Form1.cs

    using EyeXFramework;
    using Tobii.EyeX.Framework;
    string userName = Program.EyeXHost.UserProfileName.ToString();
    var userProfiles = Program.EyeXHost.UserProfiles;

    this is the code in Program.cs

    namespace Tobii_Reader_v2
        using EyeXFramework.Forms;
        using System;
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using Tobii.EyeX.Framework;
        static class Program
            private static FormsEyeXHost _eyeXHost = new FormsEyeXHost();
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the singleton EyeX host instance.
            /// </summary>
            public static FormsEyeXHost EyeXHost
                get { return _eyeXHost; }
            /// <summary>
            /// The main entry point for the application.
            /// </summary>
            static void Main()
                Application.Run(new Form1());
    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jpedro, sorry to hear about your issue. for clarification, you mean that you are using the same eye tracker on the peer computer and that this issue only occurs on your (host) computer?

    João Pedro

    Yes. We are using the same eye tracker and the same code.

    We both installed Tobii EyeX and the USB driver

    João Pedro

    Sorry in the last post i said USB driver but actually it is USB driver

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jperdro, okay thanks for the clarification. Certainly, if your operating systems and Tobii software versions are identical there should be no difference in how the code is executed. I assume if you compile the functional code into binary and run on the host computer the issue persists?

    The only thing I can think is that there is some kind of software running on the host that may be blocking the transmission such as aggressive antivirus of firewall applications?

    The version of the Tobii Core Software you are running is a bit old as well, so worth updating just in case. In the meantime, I will check if this error has been reported elsewhere.

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