Home Forums Software Development Tracking Eye Coordinates Past the Screen Edges

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  • #6570

    Hi there!

    So a project I’m working on at the moment utilises the Tobii EyeX (not 4C), and involves tracking the user’s gaze upon real-world art paintings. So in essence, the size of the painting depicts the requires bounds of the system. This introduces a problem – I currently want to use the Tobii EyeX with quite a wide painting setup and limited maneuver space! This would be solved if I could tell the Tobii EyeX that the screen it’s connected to is very large (I think?).

    I’ve been playing around with the Tobii EyeX’s coordinate system using GazePoint.Screen.x and GazePoint.Viewport.x, and notice that the coordinates are reported past the edges of the screen used, such that I can get about 4 inches more than whatever screen I’m using. Is there any way, using the SDK, I can manually configure the space that the Tobii EyeX treats as valid gaze input?

    If not, is there anyway to configure the EyeX to treat gaze input that is out of screen bounds (I notice there’s a IsWithinScreenBounds method within GazePoint.cs) as OK?

    Thanks very much for the help,



    Sorry to bump, but could really do with some prompt help with this!


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Ben @bmarsden10, thanks for your patience.. I am asking around for you to get an answer.

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