Home Forums Game Integration trackir now supported using tracknoir

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  • #6221
    Wim Vriend

    Hello Jay,

    If Vjoy is used, then there is no need for middleware or even using the Tobbii tracker plugin for FaceTrackNoIR: you could simply use the Joystick tracker for FaceTrackNoIR!

    Let’s wait for some more info…

    Jason Walker

    @ Wim Vriend,

    If Vjoy is used, then there is no need for middleware or even using the Tobbii tracker plugin for FaceTrackNoIR: you could simply use the Joystick tracker for FaceTrackNoIR!

    Not sure what you mean by this, surely FTNIR needs a input device (in this case tobii 4C) … i’m not interested in basic camera head tracking …. i want to use eye tracking to perform sudo head tracking … which is exactly what Tobii claim for the 4C but in reality is limited to just a few software titles via ISE.

    No matter … i made great progress yesterday … have written my own middleware which takes the 4C gaze data and converts it to a data stream format which i send to OpenTrack … OT has a very good version of the Accela filter which i use to smooth the 4C data stream and convert to vjoy head-tracking output .. its working well .. I need to optimise my code further and remove the debug which i’ll do today but its working as i want.

    Just a shame that Tobii don’t make a official input driver for OT and/or FTNIR …. its not difficult .. their SDK is not too shabby and i had the basics of my solution up and running after around six hours of development …having official support for these 3rd party tracking solutions would open the device up to so many other users, i know that to get the maximum from the device the target software should support the Tobii devices directly and thus negate middleware but OpenTrack and FTNIR are great solutions for legacy software … which is probably the biggest target market right now ….

    I would still like to try your plugin for FTNIR and compare the results to my OpenTrack solution but as detailed in a earlier post its not working for me …


    Alex [Tobii]


    If you need extended view algorithm for your tools it’s available here:
    Interaction Samples alpha



    Hi IM using this in Star Citizen. Has there been anymore development in getting the Tobii 4c head tracking working with facetracknoir. I have the Tobii eyex plug-in setup as input and the output set for facetrack (dll deselected under options setup). Not sure if I’d be able to use this to aim weapons but I lock gimbels anyway​ so no issue there. In the plug-in for Tobii i have it set to free360 sampling to 50 and 45 , deadzone set to 10. Smoothing set to 5. So far it works fairly well except for a few things. If I set to center it will not stay for more than a second even when I try and keep you head as still as possibe. The mouse courser constantly points to the left about 4 inches from center. Another thing is if I look hard left or right the screen will stay in that position for a few seconds before tracking resumes.
    Is there a better way to set this up or something in the settings I’m doing wrong.



    @Wim Vriend, thank you for the FTNOIR Tobii plugin!
    Unfortunately it is not working with the latest hardware (5c), is it possible to work with Tobii once again and get a plugin for the latest hardware too?

    Grant [Tobii]

    HI @mikkok, I tag @v4friend for you, but bear in mind his last post is 2017, so you might have better luck tracking down the source elsewhere. Best Wishes.

    Wim Vriend

    Hello @MrMicko,

    Indeed: I am currently busy with the SDK, to make the Tobii5 work with FaceTrackNoIR too! Yesterday I managed to make it work (the 4C code had to be adapted a bit, for the new SDK acts differently) and after some more tweaking, I will release the new plugin.


    Wow! Impressive, looking forward testing out the new plugin when it is ready! Thank you!

    Wim Vriend

    Hello again: the new plugin for FaceTrackNoIR can be found on the Tobii tracker page
    The plugin for the 4C was also updated, fixing a minor bug.


    Nice! And it works, it gets all the eye and head position data! Thank you!

    Wim Vriend

    Always glad to make people happy 🙂

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