Home Forums Feature Requests Turn of LEDs when tracking disabled

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  • #6857
    Magic Man

    Is there any need for the LEDs to still be illuminated when tracking has been selectively disabled? Would be useful if they could be switched off when tracking turned off selectively in a Game Hub profile.

    Grant [Tobii]

    HI @magicman, thanks for your suggestion. This modification would require a low level change to the Eye Tracker Firmware code, however, I shall create the appropriate feature request for the developers to look at and hopefully will get back to you with any comments.

    Magic Man

    Many thanks.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @magicman, just to inform you that this feature is in fact included in the Tobii 4C Eye Tracker. I therefore assume you were using the EyeX? If so, I am afraid that as this product has now been replaced with the 4C, this particular feature request is not scheduled for integration into the EyeX. My apologies for the inconvenience.

    Magic Man

    Hi, I have a 4C (and an EyeX before it) – I know I can disable tracking from the notification panel, which does turn thecLEDs off, I mean from a Game Hub profile, when you disable tracking with a hot key would be good if it actually turned of the LEDs as well rather than just pausing the tracking functionality.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @magicman, okay thanks for the clarification and the extra information. I will add it to the feature request.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @magicman, after some further investigation, it would seem that ‘pause tracking’ is something that is implemented on a per-game basis within the Game’s own user options. (not within Tobii Game hub)

    Did you in fact intend to propose a generalised hotkey for pausing tracking? This being the case, it would seem appropriate to rephrase the request as to adding a global hotkey that stops tracking irrespective of which game or software is being ran.

    Magic Man

    Hi. No, my request is that when tracking is paused, via game hub hotkey, that the LED illumination is turned off and turned back on whe tracking is re-enabled. Same functionality as when tracking is disabled altogether from the Tobii notification window but during tracking pause.

    Steven Smith

    Amen please look into this..

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ravven @magicman, thanks for your feedback. When tracking is disabled via the Game Hub, in fact the tracker itself has not been disabled rather the game is no longer taking gaze data. This is by design as it allows other applications that may be using gaze data (such as Windows Interaction) to continue to operate.

    To completely disable eye tracking (and hence turn off the LED) the only current option is to disable eye tracking via the Tobii Interaction Icon in the Windows System tray.

    However, depending on the game running, after eye tracking has been disabled, it may not operate again until the game is restarted.

    Grant [Tobii]

    UPDATE: We have planned to implement a global shortcut into the Tobii Interaction Software so you may disable tracking from within the Game (and hence turn off LED). Please check back regularly for SW updates. Thanks for your patience.

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