Home Forums Software Development Wpf application to control robotic arm

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    Hi everyone. I’m going to realize a WPF application to controll a 6 DOF robotic arm using a Tobii 4C eye tracker. I realized the application to manually controll the joints of the robotic arm with 6 sliders yet. My purpose is to move every joint looking at the corresponding slider. If someone could help me, I would appreciate. Thank you.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @matteodima, thanks for getting in touch. Whilst your specific scenario is very novel, it may be of interest to you to check out the Tobii Interaction Library API which comes with WPF support and indeed we provide a WPF walkthrough and sample code on our landing page @


    This might be a good place for you to get started with the coding side of the project.. check it out and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.


    I’d like to use the Interaction API in a C# but cannot find it in Nuget ? Only the pro sdk is available. Any clue ?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @fmaillet, thanks for reaching out. for the time being, please download the Interaction API directly on our own landing page @ https://developer.tobii.com/product-integration/interaction-library/getting-started/

    Do let us know if we can provide any further information. Best Wishes.

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