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I tried to use the EyeX on different hosts under Windows 8.1 (classic desktops, HP laptop, even on a Macbook Pro with VMWare). Installation is ok on all configurations. When I plugged the device on 2.0 USB port I got the right message to find a 3.0 port. When plugged on 3.0, everything seems to be ok. Then calibration can be sometimes fully done but every 30 or 60 seconds the Eye-X turns off and is disconnected. It connects again 15 seconds later but not for more than one minute. If I launch Tobbi Showcase demo, EyeX disconnects in less than 3 seconds.

I tried to use a 3.0 powered USB HUB and got the same behaviors.

Current versions are:
Firmware 0.9.12-29489
USB service
EyeX Ctrl Driver 0.9.3
EyeX Ctrl Service 0.9.7

Any idea of the possible cause ? Lack of power (mA) on USB port ?

Regards, Philippe.