Home Forums Legacy SDKs Tobii pro SDK Gaze Coordinates


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    Dear Staff, I am a Research Assistant doing my PhD in a Computer Science topic well known as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field of research. Typically, a researcher approaching this topic is doing several User Research (UR) tests across their users. Therefore our purpose will be the same as the last. My team is developing the following project, described below.

    Currently, we are developing an AI-Assistant for breast cancer diagnosis. Our work passes through several user tests on clinical institutions (e.g., hospitals, private clinics, between others…) that we have a protocol. The potential data generated by Tobii Eye-Tracker is of immense importance to us, while we want to measure and quantify the amount of time our users are looking for our AI-Assistant, a kind of a bot, or where are the most important cancer lesions.

    In order to use the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C together with the Tobii Pro SDK (Python) it requires a license. We will be grateful if you, somehow, provide us some solution to acquire the Gaze Coordinates we need.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @fmcalisto and thanks for your query, great sounding project! However, for assistance in development using the Tobii Pro SDK, we would recommend you to reach out to Tobii Pro Support directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/

    Thereafter a member of the team there should be able to help you further. That being said, I believe that the Python Bindings of the Pro SDK does come with sample applications that demonstrate how to capture gaze data directly. Hopefully that should be sufficient to get you and up and running.

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