Home Forums Unreal Engine 4 SDK UE4 SkeletalMesh is not focusable

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  • #13994
    Thomas T.

    My thought was, that SkeletalMeshComponents can also be focusable by the Tobii’s G2OM, because they derive from PrimitiveComponent. However, neither component tags nor the TobiiGazeFocusableComponent worked out.
    The TobiiGazeFocusManager is a at default values. Am I missing something or this a lacking feature?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ttohmas123, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are currently trying to identify if this is a potential bug or a missing feature.

    In the meantime perhaps you can try to attach a component that is focusable (and fully transparent) and cover the mesh?
    Hopefully, this could be an effective workaround.

    Please do let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.

    Luis Sole

    It has been any update on this issue?
    I’m having the same problem, TobiiGazeFocusableComponent only works with static meshes, and I’m not covering all the skeletal meshes with a transparent component due to optimization problems.


    Luis Sole

    Hi again,
    I was investigating why skeletal meshes were not able to be focused, and the problem I have is related with the primitive.IsVisible() check. Our Blueprints with a SkeletalMesh have a RootParent that it’s a collision, this collision is hidden in game, so it doesn’t pass the IsVisible() check… If I put it visible instead of hidden, it works. The problem we have is collision can not be visible…

    Is it necessary to have the component visible to make it work?! Why are you checking it?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @mightyluis, apologies for the delay in reply, we are trying to see if there is something that can be done. Unfortunately the project has not been actively updated in a while so the workaround remains as our recommendation. Still, we are investigating other possible avenues of solution for you. Thanks for your patience.

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