Home Forums Software Development Connecting Tobii eye tracker with Electron App

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  • #19698
    Sajid Rafique

    I am working to develop an electron app which use Tobii 5 and give me eye gazing data. I am a novis in this field. I found some app namely “tobii-electron-streaming” at Github. However, I could not understand following tobii files in the package:
    1. Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll
    2. Tobii.Interaction.Model.dll
    3. Tobii.Interaction.Net.dll
    4. TobiiElectronServer.exe
    5. TobiiElectronServer.exe.config
    6. TobiiElectronServer.pdb
    Can anyone please explain what these files and their extensions are? Which one is from standard Tobii library? Which one are self developed files by the user and how one can integrate it with Tobii library files?
    I tried open these tobii files but have no idea how to open it. I am good in javescript and want to integrate Tobii with my electron app to record eye tracking date on a digital image. Looking for help.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @saj1984, thanks for getting in touch. The first 3 files in your list (Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll, Tobii.Interaction.Model.dll,Tobii.Interaction.Net.dll) are the libraries required by the Tobii Interaction Library API (https://developer.tobii.com/product-integration/interaction-library/getting-started/) whilst the remaining files are those that are produced by the user of this Github project. IT seems that the project is designed to fulfill your needs to eyetrack using Javascipt however, please be aware this is third party code and not something Tobii can officially support. If you are having trouble using the users’ code, then we would recommend you reach on the Github issues pages for an answer to your query.

    Sajid Rafique

    Hi Grant, Thanks for your reply. How I can open the other three files and see the code:
    4. TobiiElectronServer.exe
    5. TobiiElectronServer.exe.config
    6. TobiiElectronServer.pdb
    I want to open and edit the code and then run it again to see how it works.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @saj1984, the remaining files with “Electron” in the title are not created natively by Tobii, so the best way to get support is to reach out to the developer directly on his Github page.

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