Home Forums Unity SDK Can I get some research result on accuracy of Tobii EyeTracker 5 in unity?


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    Subeen Yoo

    Hi, I’m student from South Korea and I need some help.
    My team is developing PC game that uses Tobii Eye Tracker 5 as a game controller as our graduation project.
    And my professor wants indicators that show the potential of eye trackers as game controllers.
    For example, whether it is accurate enough in a gaming environment.
    If there is a research result on accuracy of eye tracker in unity, could it be shared?
    I will use it only for education, not commercial.
    Thank you.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @beankong, thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately, we do not have a dedicated research report on the accuracy of the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 however, there was a study conducted recently using the older EyeX tracker which has comparable (although inferior) accuracy and precision to the ET5 which never the less demonstrates the efficacy of the technology for research and analysis which should hopefully be adequate to demonstrate it’s use for gaming also.

    You can view the report @ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305213481_Evaluation_of_the_Tobii_EyeX_Eye_tracking_controller_and_Matlab_toolkit_for_research

    Please check it out and do let us know if we can provide any further information. Best Wishes.

    Yen Nguyen

    Dear Tobii,
    I am a master student who is doing master thesis in Human computer interaction. And I want to use Tobii eye tracker 5 in my thesis.
    I have question: is it possible to use Tobii eye tracker 5 in my master thesis where I don’t store or translate the data? My application prototype in thesis is about a small game where participant use there Eye gaze and Head nod movement to select the items displaying on the screen (Participant allows us to use their data for the study). The information that I used from Eye tracker 5 is use gaze and head position as a mouse cursor to navigate and select item. I stored the result of the game, such as: time finish, correct selection (yes), incorrect selection (no).
    In case if I have to apply for research license for my master thesis which I use eye tracker 5 as mouse pointer. where should I apply it?
    I am looking forward to your reply. This means a lot to me. Thank you very much for your support!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @yennie, there is no issue in using the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 for interaction purposes or in a gaming environment. The issue however begins where you wish to use the metrics gathered during the program for research which does indeed require a research licence to do so.

    You can read more about this with links for application @ https://developer.tobii.com/license-agreement/

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