Home Forums Software Development Matlab does not access eyetracker Id


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    Hi, I have an EyeX connected to a Sony Vaio through a powered Transcend Expresscard adapter for USB 3.0. The O.S. is Windows 7-64, and Bonjour is installed. I used successfully the EyeX with the Tobii demo application.

    However, when running the EyeTrackingSample script under Matlab (64 bit), it does not find any eye tracker (Error: the variable trackerId has not been set. Edit the EyeTrackingSample.m script and replace “NOTSET” with your tracker id (should be in the list above) before running this script again.). Actually, there is no eyetracker list, even by providing the command within the matlab command window:

    >> tetio_init
    >> trackerinfo = tetio_getTrackers()

    trackerinfo =

    It is as if Matlab does not access the Tobii device. Any hint?
    Many thanks

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi claudio,

    From what you have written I gather that you are using the Analytics SDK. The EyeX Controller does not work with the Analytics SDK.

    The EyeX Controller works with the EyeX SDK and the Gaze SDK. The Gaze SDK is the low-level option and very similar to the Analytics SDK, but unfortunately does not have a Matlab binding.


    Thank you Jenny, what a pity… I do hope Tobii will soon release a SDK for Matlab, I simply cannot imagine that EyeX remains inaccessible to Matlab users…


    Same problem with REX, is there still no solution?

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Julius,

    The Analytics SDK does not work with the Tobii REX dev kit eye tracker, it only works with the Tobii Pro line of eye trackers that are built for research purposes. This will not change in the future.

    Agostino Gibaldi

    There is a nice Matlab implementation for EyeX that you can download here:

    Feel free of providing feedbacks and suggetions.


    As our license agreements for the EyeX SDK as well as the Gaze SDK do not permit storage of media (except for calibration files and data used for accuracy-enhancing filters), we cannot share this plugin on our developer-forum.
    I unfortunately had to remove the link.

    Please always make sure to that you have read our license agreements here:

    EyeXSDK: http://developer.tobii.com/license-agreement/
    GazeSDK: http://developer.tobii.com/?wpdmdl=120


    Agostino Gibaldi

    There is a nice toolbox for connecting the EyeX with Matlab, which recreate the functionalities of the SDK.

    You can find it on surceforge, as Matlab Toolbox EyeX, just go and search it.


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