Home Forums Software Development Positioning Guide when using Gaze Engine

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  • #2737

    We are using the Gaze Engine to calibrate the Tobii EyeX because need slower, bigger and higher contrast calibration targets. We are using a modified WpfCalibrationSample.

    We then use the calibration obtain in other programs (EyeX Engine turned off). We would like to have a big popup of the pupils in a big rectangle like occurs in WpfCalibrationSample. Is there a way to do this? Seems to be in the code mention of “StartPositioningGuide”, is there a way to use this in other programs?

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Exo,

    Take a look at the “Positioning guide stage template” in MainWindow.xml of the WpfCalibrationSample.


    Thanks for the tip. Looking at the code now in MainWindow.xaml of WpfCalibrationSample. I will start playing with it.

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