Home Forums Software Development Customizing the Calibration screen of EyeX

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  • #2805
    Peter Olthof

    Dear Tobii,

    As a game developer I make buttons in the game, to calibrate the eyetracker for the player, and it switches over and back to the calibration software. Then you get the orange dot, that goes to all the corners of the screen.

    My mother has an eye-condition, which has affected her center of pupils. She can’t read, and really focus well, though if I could adjust the screen, to have a brighter more contrast dot, and maybe adjust the size of the dot to follow, I hope I can make it somewhat work.

    Also for game design purposes, it would be awesome to customize the color scheme. Is there any way to do this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Patrik [Tobii]

    Hello Peter,

    There is currently no way of calibrating the eye tracker with the EyeX SDK, but you could always use the GazeSDK for this.

    Be aware that there might be troublesome to make your own calibration work with the EyeX controller if the EyeX engine is running, since there is no guarantee when the EyeX engine decides to reload the current profile’s calibration.

    I will forward this to the product owner, to see if we can make the contrast/color scheme for the calibration adjustable in a future version.

    Best regards

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