Home Forums Game Integration VJoy causes problems for other input devices

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Henrik [Tobii].
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  • #4448

    This seems to be due to a compatibility issue between the vJoy driver and other HID (e.g. joysticks, game pads, mice, keyboard, trackball, etc)-drivers. More specifically – it seems to be an issue with USB-devices that has been installed under Windows 7 or 8 and then been brought along during the Windows 10 upgrade.

    It should be possible to detect these USB-devices by opening the device manager and select “Show hidden devices” under the “View” menu. Devices that has “…not migrated” under events seems to be the main source of problems. Try uninstalling these devices, reboot and let Windows 10 find new working drivers (or download and install them yourself).

    You can read more about this here.

    If you have experienced these issues and have managed to fix them, please share your findings in this thread. Thank you!


    And if we’re still using Windows 7 but it’s bugging out?

    I can’t get 1.0.2 to work alongside my X52 in Elite Dangerous. The only time it works is if the view mode is set to headlook mode, which stops numerous inputs to the game.

    In 1.1 and 1.2, headlook works irrespective of it being enabled or not.

    I would use the latest version, but it just does not feel as good as 1.0.2.

    Additionally, if unplugging the joystick while Infinite Screen is running, the system softlocks. I’ve had this happen twice; very bad.

    Rehan Osha

    Steps to reproduce:
    Enable multiple vJoy devices
    Configure each enabled vJoy device with a different number of axes (configure at least 1 axis, see related issue below for explanation), buttons, and POVs.
    Close UCR if it is running.
    Start UCR.
    Check the input axis and button binding menu of all vJoy devices.
    All vJoy input devices will have the same binding menu options despite different configurations. I haven’t been able to determine which vJoy device it will follow, but I suspect it’s either the first or last vJoy input device that that is UCR encounters during enumeration. Output vJoy devices are unaffected.

    Aside from the related issue below, IOWrapper appears to enumerate vJoy DirectInput device capabilities correctly. As far as I can see, the configuration of the first vJoy device from IOWrapper.Core.IOController.GetInputList() is what is applied to all the remaining vJoy devices. That’s how far I’ve gotten so far. I don’t mind digging into this further later, however, I’m posting this issue just in case someone already has a good idea where the cause might lie.

    Related issue: (This appears to be an IOWrapper issue)
    Repeat same steps above.
    Find the vJoy device whose configuration got applied to all the other vJoy input device.
    Reconfigure that vJoy device to have no axes enabled.
    Check the input axis and button binding menu of all vJoy devices.
    All vJoy input devices will only have “Clear binding” in their binding menus.

    I included it here so that you can specifically avoid configuring a vJoy device with no axes while trying to track down this issue. From what I can tell, if I configure one of the vJoy devices with no axes, but with buttons and POVs, one of the resulting vJoy devices returned from IOWrapper.Core.IOController.GetInputList() will have no nodes available. I will file either an issue or PR with IOWrapper as soon as I know more.

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