Home Forums Unity SDK 02a_SimpleGazeSelection doesn't work

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  • #12248
    Giulio Interlandi

    Hello, I am a Digital and Interaction design student,
    I am working on my master degree thesis with your tobii-4c eye tracker.

    I have an issue, whatever computer I install the sdk for unity, the example 02a_SimpleGazeSelection, 02b and 02c wont work correctly.

    I tested the example with 3 different compuers, two with windows 10 and one with windows 7.
    I tested the example with 3 different unity versions, the 2019.2 / 2019.1 / 2018.4.

    More or less one month it used to work on my laptop, I dont know why it’s stopped, and more important I can’t understand why a normal example wont work on other computers with a fresh install of unity and tobii sdk.

    Thank you so much.

    Alex [Tobii]

    Hi @reeot92 !

    Please text me on Discord ( alex8b#9170 ) and we will investigate the issue

    Giulio Interlandi

    I added you, waiting for my request to be accepted.



    I have exactly the same issue than Giulio, I instaled the Tobii SKD for Unity 2019.3.1f1 and 2020.1.12f1.
    All the rest of eye detection is working normally.

    Can you help me?
    Thank You.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Gaumet, please reach out to Alexey on the Discord Channel mentioned above and he should be able to help you out! Best Wishes.

    Ana Abreu


    I’m having the same exact issue. Is it still possible to use the mentioned discord channel? Thank you in advance 🙂

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @anaabreu021! Yes indeed, you can still find alexey on discord @ alex8b#9170

    Please get back in touch if you have any further issues. Best Wishes.

    Alex [Tobii]

    Hi @anaabreu021

    Please contact me on Discord (alex8b#9170) and we will investigate the issue.

    Dominik Feješ

    Hi I have the same problem, is it still possible to contact you via Discord?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @dofe657, yes! please feel free to contact Alexey using the address supplied above. Best wishes.

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