Home Forums Feature Requests Allow Duplicated Monitors

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  • #1564
    Morgan McGuire

    The EyeX driver does not allow use of the EyeX on a monitor that has been duplicated. Please allow this because it is the ideal setup for developing games that use eye tracking. For playtesting and debugging, I use a 3-monitor setup where I’m running the control application and development environment on monitor 1, and the game on monitor 2 (which is duplicated on monitor 3).

    The player sees only monitor 3, which has the eye tracker. I need a full-screen duplicate of what the player is seeing in order to follow along and debug, but my view has to be on the display without the eye tracker because I don’t want to confuse it by having two faces in the frame (or sit on my player’s lap).


    Hi Morgan,
    thanks for the feature request. I see your point and I hope it will be fixed soon. In the mean time, it should be possible to do the display setup (in the eye tracking settings panel) *before* switching to the duplicated display mode.

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