Home Forums Legacy SDKs Blue screen of death

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  • #2753
    Guido Gambardella

    Since yesterday, when I installed the Tobii EyeX on my PC, it aready crashed twice, thing that never happened in the five years before (yes it’s that old, but is na quad core with 8 MB RAM).

    The USB3 interface is on a board with VIA chip, not ASmedia.


    It would be great if you could send us some further information.
    If you open the EyeX settings, select the “About” tab and proceed with the diagnostic guide. Please send those files to our support department: http://www.tobii.com/eyex-support

    Also it would be great if you could have a look into your event viewer to see what caused the crash.


    Marcel Blonk

    I get blue screens too, caused by the EyeX USB driver (uninstalling the 3 Tobii drivers resolves the problem, reinstalling brings it back).

    It happens about 1 out of 2 times when my laptop goes to sleep (and only then). No messages in the event viewer (other then, hey, I’m going to sleep now, and next, hey, what happened?). I have checked the mini code dump and there is some evidence that points to USB drivers.

    Windows 7 SP1, 64bit, latest version of all eyex software drivers (previous versions had the same issue).

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