Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Eyex SDK for Tobii I15

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  • #2546
    Michael Rosenits


    my Qestion is: could the EyeX Engine also be used to program Games for the Tobii I15 ? My Daughter use this superior AAC Talker for communication. In the other threads theres nothing about the tobii I15 .


    Meir Naiman

    I also would like to know if it is possible to develop applications for the I-Series machines using the EyeX Engine and EyeX SDK.

    Nachum Lehman


    We develop solutions for people with disabilities and use Tobii devices (I12 and I15) heavily. We are desperately looking to access the streaming data of the I15 for some customizations. I know that Dynavox Boardmaker always integrated with the eye trackers to show the dwell timers as if Boardmaker was a native Tobii software so I’m sure there are some integration opportunities.

    Please give me any info available and possibly some contacts who can help us.


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