Home Forums Software Development EyeXMouse MSVCR120D.dll missing at startup

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    I wanted to try the EyeXMouse on my win8.1 64 Bit PC but whenever I try to start the exe file it says: MSVCR120D.dll is missing.

    Unfortunately I installed already The C runtime libraries and all the vb.net runtime files but still I get the error.

    PS: Installing standalone *.dlls is due to security reasons NOT an option!


    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Ferhat,

    Are you sure that you have the right version of the runtime installed? It looks like you need vcredist_x64.exe downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784

    EDIT: I just saw that the required runtime has a D in the end of the file name. That means that the EyeXMouse executable on GitHub is built in debug mode. In that case you need Visual Studio installed unless you want to copy the file manually.

    You should ask the EyeXMouse developer to distribute a release build of the EyeXMouse instead, or build your own release build from the source code.

    Ibrahim Ersaygili

    Eyexmouse not work on Tobii EyeX 1.0.0, installe old version Tobii.Eye.Experience_0.8.17.1196-alpha and download MSVCR120D.dll on site http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr120 move file in folder EyeXMouse-master


    Okay, I downloaded just the *.dll itself and used it on the newest firmware of my Tobi Rex. It works thx for the fact that it actually should work only with the older firmware version! 🙂

    Robert [Tobii]

    The latest EyeXMouse on GitHub (https://github.com/mikethrussell/EyeXMouse) is updated so it works with EyeX 1.X. Please do not use older versions.’

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