Home Forums Software Development Fail to run VirtualWindows


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  • #11641

    Hi, I have an error from the code:
    var virtualWindow = virtualWindowsAgent.CreateFreeFloatingVirtualWindowAsync(“MyVirtualWindow”, screenBounds).Result;

    The source of code is : https://github.com/Tobii/CoreSDK/tree/master/samples/VirtualWindows/Interaction_VirtualWindows_101

    And then it shows “System.AggregateException’ occurred in mscorlib.dll”
    Therefore, I google for this error, and the solution is to unselect “Enable Just My Code” in Visual Studio. By the way, my VS version is 2013.
    However, it doesn’t work, Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?

    Thank you

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @james0323 thanks for your query and sorry to hear about your problems.

    When you get a System.AggregateException, you should always look at the InnerExceptions and InnerException properties. The original error is usually in one of these properties. However, for use to analyse more fully the issue, we need to know which code line you receive the error. Accordingly, the more detail the better.

    Might also be an idea to try running on a more recent VS version just to check. Thanks for your patience whilst we try to resolve your issue.

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