Home Forums Software Development New to Tobii – Working with University – Need guidance!

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    Samuel Adelman

    Hey all!

    Very new to this technology and am very excited to dive in. Just wanted to touch base with this forum and make a brief introduction. Currently a graduate student at Wright State University and am using this software to conduct experiments with automatic target recognition (in a nutshell).

    I have found some pretty helpful tutorials online, but one thing I haven’t been able to figure out is how to simultaneously utilize mouse-click response with the eye tracker technology, as a user will need to be able to do this. To date, the mouse “arrow” does not even appear during a recorded session. This being said, can anyone point me in the right direction?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @wrightstatecrew, thanks for your query and welcome to the world of eye tracking!

    To help you get started in developing your own applications, please check out the Tobii Core SDK which you can get via Nuget on Visual Studio by following the introducty documentation @ https://tobii.github.io/CoreSDK/articles/intro.html

    Therfter, please download our sample applications which include a variety of key eye tracking interaction concepts along with the various data streams available to you @ https://github.com/Tobii/CoreSDK

    Something to bear in mind is that use of the Core for analysis purposes requires the purchase of a special licence to do so as the Core SDK is intended principally for the Interaction purposes. You can read more about this @ https://analyticaluse.tobii.com/?utm_source=developer.tobii.com

    If you could expand a little on your project intentions, we will be happy to let you know if this is indeed a requirement for your needs.

    In terms of including mouse click support, this certainly is not something included with the Tobii SDK’s as the Consumer range of eye trackers are intended to work alongside traditional input methods such as keyboard and mice, not replace them.

    That being said, there is quite a lot of info online about emulating mouse clicks on .NET. For example sending a virtual click based on a provided position input eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8272681/how-can-i-simulate-a-mouse-click-at-a-certain-position-on-the-screen

    Making the mouse cursor follow the eye tracker would be rather more difficult, not least of all as the natural eye movements are jerky and quite noisy..so it’s not a process we can recommend.

    In any event, please look over the links I have sent over and let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @wrightstatecrew, I was wondering how you go on since I posted the above links for you? I would be good if there are any areas in which we can help to improve new users experience for development alongside our consumer eye trackers… many thanks

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