Home Forums Software Development Sync Tobii EyeX with a separate monitor

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    Hammad Ali


    Would it be possible to have the EyeX connected to two computers at once? What I mean by this is that, say if you had one monitor which had fixation points etc a user was requested to focus on with it’s own coordinate system, and a separate laptop to which the fixation points in relation to the other monitor would be streamed via MATLAB (not saved anywhere, I’ve read the terms of use!)

    I hope this makes sense. If not I will be more than happy to elaborate.

    Many thanks for your assistance 🙂

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hazard404 and thanks for your query. I am afraid that no such solution is provided for the EyeX out of the box although I don’t think it’s necessary that the EyeX itself support more than one computer.

    My advice would be to consider a custom SDK application (you could try with the Core SDK) which would record gaze information as normal whilst sending this gaze data to another client application running on a local network to the second computer.

    However, the need to stream via MATLAB introduces a further complication in that the only MATLAB bindings which will work with the EyeX are part of the Tobii Pro SDK which is a paid product for which you would need to obtain a unlock licence to use. If you are interested, please send a speculative email to [email protected] for a quote.

    I don’t know if this is any use for your project, but have you look at Tobii Ghost? This at least streams gaze data directly but without any possibility of data analysis.

    Please bear in mind that even if you are not *storing* data but analysing it, this still requires the purchase of the analytical licence. If you would care to elaborate further on your project, we would be happy to discuss possible solutions.

    Hammad Ali

    Hi Grant,

    Thanks for your reply.

    My project is for my final undergraduate year at university; i need to obtain fixation points and synchronise them with obtained EEG data. There is no storing of data nor analysis for any other purposes; the only purpose is for me to obtain my grade!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hazard404 okay thanks for the clarification, best of luck with your implementation. Hopefully the above advice will prove useful, feel free to post here again should you have any further questions. Would certainly be interested to see any SDK project you might develop along these lines.

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